I’ve loved watching your family, and I’ve loved hearing your heart for creating a climate in the home where Christ is honored and where children can grow to know the Lord and to love Him. You’ve been involved in that kind of family ministry for years. I love that your writing and your teaching are so grounded in the Word, grounded in truth—because that’s our anchor, that’s our standard, that’s our plumb line. But you also illustrate so beautifully out of your own journey, out of your own walk…This family has become sweet friends of mine over the last several years. They live not too far from our ministry headquarters. We attend the same church. The Lord has been sweet to let us just enjoy some mutual encouragement. We’re all involved in speaking and writing and have public lives and ministries, but it’s a sweet thing to have friends behind the scenes who are iron sharpening iron. I’ve watched you parenting. I’ve watched you in your processing of family challenges, and we’ve shared some of those together over the last several years. Just as we’re learning and growing, it’s a sweet thing to have this relationship with you behind the scenes.